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12 de enero de 2009
Sobre Jan-12-09 un objeto encendido fue observado y filmado sobre San Antonio, Tx .It estaba alrededor a las 13h15 cuando noto que un objeto grande encendido que viaja S/E.This el objeto no pareció ser un avión. Entonces controlé y agarré mi videocámara para una observación más cercana, y comencé a rodar. Zumbando(usando el zoom) en este objeto desconocido aparece cambiar la forma. Este objeto no era claramente ningún avión o globo meteorológico. Como usted puede ver sobre el vídeo este objeto parece ser

On Jan-12-09 a glowing object was observed and filmed over San Antonio,Tx
.It was around 1:15 pm when i notice a large glowing object traveling S/E.This object did not seem to be an aircraft.So i ran and grabbed my camcorder for a closer observation,and began filming.When zooming in this unknown object appear to be changing shape.This object was clearly no aircraft or weather-balloon.As you can see on the video this object seems to be spinning.While i was filming unknown began to glow extremely bright.It did not seem to reflect the sun's ray's,It seemed to be glowing.This object began to hover in same area for some time.At one point a jet was traveling S/W leaving a contrail .I pan back and was able to capture both jet and unknown in same frame.Clearly two different shape's.Compare to the aircraft this glowing object was huge in size.This unknown then changed direction and began traveling North and out of sight.
Categoría: universo
extraterrestres,cosmos,astronomia,espacio,aliens.ufo,UFOS...SAUFO SKYWATCHER

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